Domain Name With The New TLD
Everyone is overwhelmed by the number of new domain name extensions or TLDs that are being released since the past few months. Although their sale is slower than expected, they should become more popular as time passes and more people realize their value addition. This article emphasizes the benefits of having a domain name which does not follow the standard .com or .net convention, but describes your website much better.
Help Organize the internet
Not many people know it, but the whole purpose of releasing these new TLD extensions is so that the internet is more organized and better classified. Till now all businesses and commercial organizations were using the .com extension willy nilly. From lawyers to engineers, everyone was stuck with a .com or .biz name without knowing which one was the right one for them. When you visited a website with names like webxtreme, you didn't know whether it was a design firm or hosting provider or an SEO company. You had to take a guess before landing on their website.
Stand out from the crowd
Not only does the new naming system allow you to be identified easily, but it also enhances your brand value and helps you when compared to your other competitors. Many of your competitors will not even be aware of the fact that a TLD suiting their business will be available. As they say, "The early bird catches the worm", getting a suitable name could give your brand a real boost, one that it may be badly needing since a long time. The right name will position you, in the mind's of your customers as being active, updated and enterprising. The novelty of the new naming system will wear out once everyone is hooked onto it. Although with the plethora of names in the market, it will take a while before the "new toy" syndrome fades away, it is important for a young business to build its brand image online.
Be the first
Did you ever want that .com name but when you searched it was taken by someone else? Now's your chance to get the name you always wanted, infact a shorter and cooler name. Gadget Guru's can now get rather than just having, which makes the name shorter, funkier and easy to remember. Philomena's Enterprise can now get the name philomena.enterprise and shed the .com completely. Numerous other businesses can also get a more descriptive and reader friendly name. It's a total liberation from the normal conventional names which end in .com .net .biz .info and so on.
Show off
Your new TLD also comes with a limited time package of bragging rights. Everyone will remember you for being one of the first in the industry to get a unique name. Not only will it give you and your fans something to talk about on social media, you will also be able to promote your brand and provide unique offers and discounts with the excuse of celebrating your new name.
Start a new business
For a new business or for an experienced business looking to branch into a new industry, these new TLDs offer a good starting point. Finding a name for a new business or venture is now easier with the wide range of options on offer. Earlier, a travel and tours company was stuck with .com as their primary option. When the .travel name release, everyone jumped to take it. Now the travel industry has a larger number of options, including .holiday .tickets .world .town .discount .hotel and many more.
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Although some of the TLDs are priced higher than the standard names, it definitely makes sense to capture these names before your competitors do.
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