An editor is a person who polishes the work of an author. These professionals modify the manuscript of the writers to help them publish their books. It is also another hot topic if writers are less valuable than editors or editors are better writers. People ask these questions a lot. In this blog post, we are going to talk about the qualities an editor must have. We’ll discuss why clashes happen between editors and authors and how they can solve them.

6 Important Attributes of a Good Book Editor

Nowadays, people spend the most time on computers and smartphones, so eBooks are becoming high in demand. We are going to discuss the six qualities of a credible e-book writer.

1. A Good Editor Respects Author’s Emotion  


A good editor respects the work of an author. He understands the feelings the author has poured into his words in the book, and how a slight change can make it lose its impact. He doesn’t change the voice and style of an editor. Editors let the author’s work stay in its skin while they polish it in a way that doesn’t affect the impact it holds.


A good editor doesn’t behave like a robot. He doesn’t point out mistakes without looking at the context and other things. It is terrible when an editor makes the author lose his voice from his book. However, the emotions here don’t mean to normalise the mistakes and let them pass.


2. He has knowledge About his Work


Above mentioned quality is achievable if the editor is not only a shallow educated person, but he deeply knows and understands everything about the English language. Yes! He needs to be perfect in English Language rules. A good book editor has a master’s degree in the English language, or a journalism degree. He knows how a book should look like, how to edit a magazine, and what makes articles different from book format. He needs to be educated about all the writing styles, and their uses, and the context in which they are used.


3. A Good Editor is Detail Oriented 


A credible editor isn’t fast-paced in a way that he skips the mistake in the name of fast editing. That would be irresponsible and unprofessional behaviour. No one considers hiring such an editor, and it damages the reputation of the editor as well. He should read every word and see the punctuation, sentence structure, grammar, and all the concerning things. If this looks suffocating, then remember that some editors even take $400 per hour. They are charging this much because of the value they offer.



4. Prompt Work


You might think Why is this heading even here? We talked above about how a fast-paced writer could lack quality work, and now we’re discussing working fast? It’s different. This is a quality you can achieve over time. Not that you are supposed to work fast when you have started it and in your initial years. The reason for mentioning this quality is to let you know it takes time for writers to develop a fast pace in editing without losing the quality of work. But it is a journey, and you shouldn’t try to find a shortcut for it. Just keep correctly doing your work, and this trait would come. 


5. Looking at the book from the two perspectives


What are those two perspectives? An exceptional editor sees the book through the eyes of readers and the author. There is a very thin line between the two. A writer also reads his book from the people’s perspective before submitting the manuscript to the publisher. So does an editor. He needs to satisfy the author in the right things, and the readers too, by reading the work as both customer and author, before submitting it back to the author.


6. Tools for EBooks 


There is no difference between an eBook editor and a book editor. The editors working in any ebook editing service know about the tools that the eBook requires, for the structuring of its content, and image placement in the book if necessary. EBooks contain images, however, they are not compulsory. But if pictures are required, an editor can tell where to put an image and its size, since they work on the structure of books. The references in the eBook must be hyperlinked to their sources.


Summing Up

If writers are actors, editors are directors. It is debatable if emotion comes at number one or education comes. They are both connected, and one without the other is weak. If an editor lacks education, he won’t even be called an editor. And if he lacks the emotions, then it would resist authors to work with him.

One of the most important things to know is that an author is not a child. Some blog post writers, when they compare authors and editors, write things that make the authors look overly emotional about their work. That is not true at all. When someone will distort their work, they would obviously get emotional at it. That’s why an excellent editor is a valuable person since he knows how to edit and he doesn’t change the voice of the author.

The reason for saying that editors need a Master’s Degree in English and journalism is that if they would have a degree, they would have all the knowledge about certain style types, sentence 

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